what were the goals of the progressives and how did they hope to achieve these goals

Conclusion: The Successes and Failures of Progressivism

Although the Progressive Era brought reform to authorities and business and increased political ability for many citizens, its benefits were limited to white Americans; African Americans and other minorities continued to experience discrimination and marginalization during this era.

Learning Objectives

Summarize the successes and failures of Progressive efforts during this era

Fundamental Takeaways

Fundamental Points

  • The Progressive Era saw many far-reaching reform movements whose goals included eliminating government abuse, granting suffrage for women, and passing antitrust legislation.
  • Four constitutional amendments were passed during the fourth dimension that increased the democratic influence of citizens and outlawed the production and sale of alcohol.
  • Despite these successes, the benefits of Progressivism were generally express to white Americans.
  • African Americans continued to experience discrimination and oppression, including legal segregation, voting disenfranchisement, and economic disadvantages.
  • Additionally, the Progressive Era was characterized by disparate, oftentimes contradictory goals that impeded the cosmos of unified reform movement.

Key Terms

  • Plessy 5. Ferguson: A landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate merely equal."
  • Muckraking: Reform-minded American journalism that intended to enhance public awareness of chronic urban poverty, unsafe working conditions, and social bug such as child labor.
  • suffrage: The right to vote in public, political elections.


The growing heart class's dissatisfaction with the corruption and inefficiency of politics as usual, and the failure to bargain with increasingly of import urban and industrial problems, led to the dynamic Progressive move starting in the 1890s. In every major city and state, and at the national level too, and in instruction, medicine, and manufacture, the Progressives called for the modernization and reform of decrepit institutions, the elimination of corruption in politics, and the introduction of efficiency as a criterion for change. Leading politicians from both parties—about notably Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Evans Hughes, and Robert La Follette on the Republican side and William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson on the Democratic side—took upward the cause of Progressive reform.

Political corruption was a primal issue, which reformers hoped to solve through civil-service reforms at the national, state, and local levels, replacing political hacks with professional technocrats. The 1883 Ceremonious Service Reform Act (or Pendleton Act), which placed most federal employees on the merit arrangement and marked the end of the so-called " spoils system," permitted the professionalization and rationalization of the federal administration. Withal, local and municipal government remained in the hands of oft-corrupt politicians, political machines, and their local "bosses." As a event, the spoils organization survived much longer in many states, counties, and municipalities; for example, the Tammany Hall ring, survived well into the 1930s when New York Urban center reformed its ain civil service. Illinois modernized its bureaucracy in 1917 under Frank Lowden, merely Chicago held out confronting civil-service reform until the 1970s.

Women became specially involved in demands for woman suffrage, prohibition, and improve schools; their most prominent leader was Jane Addams of Chicago. "Muckraking" journalists such as Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens, and Jacob Riis exposed corruption in concern and authorities along with rampant inner-city poverty. Progressives implemented antitrust laws and regulated industries such as meatpacking, drugs, and railroads. Four new constitutional amendments—the Sixteenth through Nineteenth—were prompted by Progressive activism, and resulted in a federal income revenue enhancement, the direct election of senators, prohibition, and women'southward suffrage. The Progressive motility lasted through the 1920s; the most agile period was 1900–1918.


Although Progressivism brought greater efficiency to regime, established a more equal playing field for business, and increased the political ability of ordinary citizens, the biggest failure of the Progressive Era was its exclusive nature. The Progressive Era coincided with the Jim Crow era, which saw intense segregation and discrimination of African Americans. The legitimacy of laws requiring segregation of blacks was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson. The ruling on Plessy thus allowed segregation, which became standard throughout the southern U.s.a., and represented the institutionalization of the Jim Crow catamenia. Everyone was supposed to receive the same public services (schools, hospitals, prisons, etc.), simply with split up facilities for each race.


Segregated movie house entrance: A black man goes into the "colored" entrance of a movie theater in Belzoni, Mississippi, 1939.

In practice, the services and facilities reserved for African Americans were almost ever of lower quality than those reserved for whites; for example, most African-American schools received less public funding per student than nearby white schools. Segregation was never mandated by law in the northern states, but a "de facto" organization grew for schools, in which nearly all black students attended schools that were near all black. In southern states, many laws were enacted that disenfranchise black voters. State legislatures passed restrictive laws or constitutions that made voter registration and election rules more complicated. Equally literacy tests and other restrictions could be practical subjectively, these changes sharply limited the vote past almost blacks. These discriminatory practices were not outlawed until the 1950s and later.

Furthermore, racism ofttimes pervaded near Progressive reform efforts, as evidenced past the suffrage movement. Specifically, equally women campaigned for the vote, most Progressives argued on behalf of female suffrage as a necessary reform to combat the influence of "corrupted" or "ignorant" black voters in the ballot booth. Civil rights and Progressive reforms were thus mostly exclusionary projects that had little real influence on each other in the early on twentieth century.

The Progressive reformers of the fourth dimension focused lilliputian of their effort on improving the lives of African Americans and other minorities.

Additionally, the Progressive Era was characterized by loose, multiple, and contradictory goals that impeded the efforts of reformers and often pitted political leaders confronting one some other, most drastically in the Republican Political party. For example, national Progressive leaders such as Roosevelt argued for increased federal regulation to coordinate big business practices while others, such equally Wilson, promised to legislate for open competition. At the local, municipal, and state levels, various Progressives advocated for disparate reforms whose concerns ranged as wide every bit prisons, pedagogy, government reorganization, urban comeback, prohibition, female person suffrage, birth control, improved working weather condition, labor, and kid labor. Although significant advancements were made in social justice and reform on a case-by-example basis, in that location was little local effort to coordinate reformers on a wide platform of issues.


Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-ushistory/chapter/conclusion-the-successes-and-failures-of-progressivism/

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